With AdBuddy.Net, it's EASY and FREE to earn some extra cash while visiting and viewing our advertisers' offers. Simply login, click the "browse ads" button, and then click a link to view a website for 30 seconds. You'll get paid $0.01 for each advertisement you personally view.
AdBuddy.Net Affiliate Program
You can refer others to AdBuddy.Net and earn EVEN MORE MONEY! All AdBuddy.Net members are automatically enrolled in the AdBuddy.Net affiliate program for FREE. Earn $0.01 cent for each ad your direct referrals view too!
Affiliate Earnings Example
- You view 10 ads per day = $0.10
- 20 '1st Level' referrals x 10 ads/day = $2.00
- Your weekly earnings = $14.70
- Your monthly earnings = $58.80 (*This is only an example. Your results may vary.)
($10 minimum)
Advertisers: You WON'T Be Disappointed!
Whether you run a small business or a large one, advertising on AdBuddy.Net can work for you.
Whether you run a small business or a large one, advertising on AdBuddy.Net can work for you.
- Advertise to 100% double opt-in members.
- Setup is EASY and takes only a few minutes.
- Geo-targeting - Display your ads across the entire market, or narrow your campaign to specific countries.
- Guaranteed traffic to your website through intelligent demographic targeting.
- Choose the categories your ads will be displayed in.
- Easily control costs - pay only when people view your ad.
- Access real-time ad campaign statistics.
- No Sign-Up Fees!
- Tried AdWords? Give AdBuddy.Net a try!